Octaves of Easter and Christmas
April 1, 2023
Question: The Church's calendar has two remaining octaves: Christmas and Easter. My understanding of an octave is that the feast being commemorated is so significant that one day is not enough to celebrate the depth of the feast. In the Easter octave, each day is celebrated as if it were Easter Day; no other feasts are celebrated during the octave. The Christmas octave, however, is different; there are indeed feasts that are celebrated or at least possible in conjunction with celebrating Christmas Day. Why is the Christmas octave different from the Easter octave? – V.S., Mobile, Alabama
Exposition During a Via Crucis
March 25, 2023
Question: I can understand reciting the rosary and the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary at a holy hour when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed, but what about public Stations of the Cross? -- C.M.B., Ojai, California
Homilist During the Easter Triduum
March 18, 2023
Question: For Good Friday and Holy Thursday, the Roman Missal states the priest gives the homily. Does the priest have the option to delegate the homily to a deacon on these days? I've seen some information that one reason it says this explicitly is that since Good Friday isn't a Mass, this directive avoids the potential of the homily being delegated to a layperson. -- G.P., Ann Arbor, Michigan
Prayer Over the People
March 11, 2023
Question: Why is there not a formula of the solemn blessing for the Lenten season Sundays as well as ferial days? -- D.Z., Beijing
Liturgical Colors in Holy Week
March 4, 2023
Question: I have a query concerning the liturgical colors. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) in No. 346.b says: "As regards the color of sacred vestments, traditional usage should be observed, namely: [...] b) The color red is used on Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion and on Friday of Holy Week (Good Friday), on Pentecost Sunday, on celebrations of the Lord’s Passion, on the ‘birthday’ feast days of Apostles and Evangelists, and on celebrations of Martyr Saints." However, the traditional usage since the time of Innocent III was to use black for Good Friday, as a vestige of the oldest usage where black was used during the entirety of both the penitential seasons (De sacro altaris mysterio I.64). By the time of the Tridentine Missal, violet had replaced black all across Lent and Advent, except on Good Friday, which is apparently why Palm Sunday's liturgical color was also previously violet instead of red. I would like to ask what prompted the change to the use of red for both solemnities? Also, is there a lawful precedent by which the celebrant may vest in black for Good Friday or violet for Palm Sunday to observe the traditional usage per GIRM 346? -- A.U., Phoenix, Arizona
The Showing of the Holy Cross
February 25, 2023
Question: During the celebration of the service of the Lord’s Passion in the afternoon on Good Friday, pertaining to the procession of the cross to the altar before the veneration, the sacramentary gives two indications. 1) That the cross "unveiled" may be carried in procession by the minister with two candles, and "Behold the wood of the cross" is intoned three times from the entrance, the middle, and at the altar; then afterward it's put at the place prepared for the veneration. 2) The second form says the minister carries the veiled cross with two candles to the sanctuary and then, facing the people, intones the "Behold the wood of the cross" three times while unveiling the cross slowly. My concern is that most priests combine the two forms in my country. They veil the cross and sing the chant three times, at the entrance, middle, and at the sanctuary. Is this also OK? Or does one need to stick to one form, as seen in the sacramentary? -- N.A., Cape Coast, Ghana
When a Priest in Mortal Sin Celebrates Mass
February 18, 2023
Question: If a priest is not in the state of sanctifying grace, is the Mass and consecration lawful? And if a priest, bishop or cardinal publicly promotes same-sex marriages or the blessings of same-sex unions, is that person in a state of sanctifying grace? -- T.B., Courtenay, British Columbia
Singing at the Entrance and the Recessional
February 12, 2023
Question: I attend a parish where every Mass begins with a sung antiphon of two or three verses and then is immediately followed by a full entrance hymn; the recessional is done the same way: a sung antiphon followed by a recessional hymn. This seems repetitive to me, as in we should have either the antiphon or the hymn. Is this proper? -- V.S., Mobile, Alabama
Polish National Church and Communion
February 4, 2023
Question: In the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church, is someone baptized and who's made their first Communion in the Polish National Catholic Church permitted to receive Communion at a Roman Catholic church? – S.S.
Music and Singing at the Consecration
January 29, 2023
Question: Is it right to play instruments or sing during the consecration of the bread and wine at Mass? -- V.S., Tamil Nadu state, India