Mentioning a Blessed in Eucharistic Prayer I
November 6, 2022
Question: When a marble altar was consecrated by the bishop, he placed a first-class relic (blood-drenched cotton) in a small niche in the altar, sealed with a marble cover. Now, I have always mentioned the blessed’s name, the foundress of a religious congregation who have a retreat house within my parish, in the Roman Canon of the Mass, and pasted a typed name in the appropriate place in the altar missal. Is it permissible, licit, valid, to recite viva voce, the blessed’s name within the canon? If not, may I recite the name silently? -- F.A.C., Comayagua, Honduras
Pyxes Left on the Altar
October 30, 2022
Question: Is it lawful for priests to leave newly consecrated Hosts (in pyxes) on top of the altar right after the dismissal, veneration of the altar, and recession at the end of the Mass, and then let the extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion go to the altar by themselves immediately after Mass to get their pyxes with consecrated Hosts for them to bring to the sick? And is there a "proper" procedure (that is, prayers, etc.) for the extraordinary ministers in giving Communion to the sick outside the Mass? --M.A.S., Iloilo City, Philippines
Recorded Music in Lieu of Singing
October 24, 2022
Question: I have attended a Mass at a place where they use recorded music instead of singing. Is this permitted? – J.W., Santa Cruz, California
Proper Prefaces
October 16, 2022
Question: The prefaces for martyrs, holy pastors, holy virgins, and religious all say they “may” be used for memorials. So, on a memorial such as Saint Maximilian Kolbe, could the preface be I or II of Martyrs, Holy Pastors, Holy Virgins and Religious, or I or II of Saints? It seems that diocesan ordos are rather haphazard in how they treat this. -- O.K., Irving, Texas
St. Michael's Prayer Before the Final Blessing
October 9, 2022
Question: In light of your 2018 article "St. Michael Prayer at Mass," is it lawful for a priest to let the faithful pray that prayer right before the final blessing, that is, even before the Mass has ended? May he have this prayer prayed at the particular part before the final blessing even without the bishop's permission? And even if that priest was indeed given permission by his bishop, will doing so still be lawful, taking into consideration Inter Oecumenici no. 48-j? Also, is praying other additional prayers (e.g., Oratio Imperata, novena prayers) during the "announcement" part before the final blessing allowed? -- M.A.S., Philippines
The Direction of a Crucifix on an Altar
October 2, 2022
Question: If a small crucifix is on the altar, should it face the celebrant? – A.V., Victoria, Malta
Bows at Incensations
September 25, 2022
Question: Why does the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) 277 specifically state the following? "Before and after an incensation, a profound bow is made to the person or object that is incensed, except for the altar and the offerings for the Sacrifice of the Mass." -- M.A.S., Iloilo City, Philippines
Blessings Before Reading the Gospel
September 18, 2022
Question: Should a concelebrating priest at a Mass in which the bishop is the chief celebrant receive the blessing from the bishop before reading the Gospel like a deacon? -- G.O., Imo State, Nigeria
Roots of the Nicene Creed
September 11, 2022
Question: When was the Nicene Creed added to the Roman liturgy? – R.S., United States
Sign of the Cross at Final Blessing
September 4, 2022
Q: One priest here in our archdiocese instructed his flock not to make the sign of the cross (on themselves) as the presider blesses the people with the gesture of blessing (+). He instructed the people to, instead, make a bow of the head as the presider makes the said gesture while pronouncing the words of the final blessing, for instance: “May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, (+) and the Holy Spirit.” This is his reasoning: